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Before You Buy That Self Defense Product

Self-defense products are gaining in popularity because they are effective against attacks, and they don’t take as much time to learn. Martial arts or other self-defense courses are great to learn, but for many people, they take too much time to learn, and can be expensive. Besides, you are not always going to have the opportunity to use your self-defense skills so you might need other ways to defend yourself. Self-defense products are one way to go.

But, before you go out and purchase a self-defense mechanism, you should consider some of the following points:

• Find out which one is best for you – Not much sense carrying around throwing stars or a set of SAP gloves if you aren’t trained in martial arts or how to throw a good punch. Learn what product is going to be right for you.

• Learn to use the self-defense product properly – Having a self-defense product and not knowing how to use it can injure you as easily as it can hurt your assailant. Once you have chosen a self-defense product, ask for proper instructions on how to use it, or take a course in using the products properly. You aren’t helping the cause if you hurt yourself before your defend yourself.

• Make sure you are legally able to carry this item – You don’t want the embarrassment of being harassed by local law enforcement, then take the time to see if you are allowed to carry the self-defense

product your have chosen. Some may need permits or other permission before you can carry them around in public.

• Don’t carry more than you need – If pepper spray is going to give you the jump you need to parry away an assailant, then there is really no need to carry air guns, slingshots or a taser. When the moment comes for you to use the self-defense product, you don’t want to have to fumble around to choose which one to use.

Self defense products can get you out of a sticky situation – there is no doubt about that. But, unless you know what you need, how to use that product, and if it is legal, you may be getting more than you’ve bargained for. You can actually do yourself more harm that good by not knowing what self-defense products are right for you.

Do your homework before you invest time and money into self-defense products. They can save your life, your money and provide you with peace of mind.

About the Author: Visit us for your FREE subscription to the about-self-defense newsletter where you will get great information on various styles, weapons, classes, and self defense books and videos.
