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How To Empower Yourself With Self Defense

Maybe you were bullied in school, or maybe you live in a rough neighborhood - whatever the case you just want to know how to defend yourself. Self-defense training is a way to take back control of your life, rather than cowering when a dangerous situation arises. Many people will take self-defense courses, or arm themselves with weapons or other self-defense tools.

No matter which course of action you take, there are some key things you need to understand about self-defense. Here are a few things that will help you in evaluating your self-defense needs.

* If you choose a self-defense course, do your research on the course. Not only should it offer physical techniques for defense, but it should show you how to handle aggressive conflicts, being aware of your surroundings, and what you need to do to be safe. All good courses are a combination of things to not only help you fend off a physical attack, but to avoid them if you can.

* Whatever option you choose for self-defense, learn to execute it properly. If you have a can of pepper spray or a pen knife, find out everything you can about the application of these products, what they can do, and maybe most importantly - what they cannot do. If you are learning verbal avoidance and awareness, learn as much as you can and apply what you have learned regularly. The more you make self-defense a part of your life, the greater the chance of it saving your life when the time comes.

* Learn several options for self-defense. You may not be able to get that can of pepper spray or the Taser out of your jacket or purse, so an alternate strategy is important. It might be worthwhile for you to take a brief course to learn the awareness and resolution strategies, and a few close combat physical techniques, along with carrying a self-defense product.

* If you like the idea of learning a discipline and perfecting it over time, then marital arts classes might be the right idea for you. You will be taught several physical techniques

for defense, along with personal discipline and in some classes you will also learn simple escape techniques.

* Not one method can guarantee success, as each attack is different. Don't let anyone tell you that they can guarantee that you will get away from attacker with their system or their self-defense weapon. This is impossible. No one can ever predict or re-enact your attack when it happens. Being taught how to respond is the only thing they can guarantee.

* Realize that any self-defense method, whether it is a weapon, or physical defense strategy, is meant to merely provide an opportunity to escape - never to continue engaging with an attacker. If you are being taught to prolong your defense, or to make the attacker 'pay' longer than they should, then you might think twice about that option. The longer you are with the attacker the more jeopardy you put yourself in, physically and emotionally.

The options are there: weapons, physical defense such as karate or other martial arts, and avoidance techniques. Find the right one for you - one that you are most comfortable with, and stick with it. Once you learn to defend yourself from attack, you will feel empowered in the face of danger, rather than shying away and being taken advantage of by your attackers. Confidence and peace of mind are a much more enjoyable feeling than fear and angst any day. Empower yourself with a self-defense option - you won't regret it.

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About the Author

Rob Goyette created the website to help educate those who want to walk the streets with confidence knowing they can minimize chances of attack and injury. Sign up for your free newsletter here: