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Exercise Personalities: What's Your Type?
Exercise. You know how it goes. You have an epiphany and make up your mind that this time you are going to stick with an exercise program. The first week goes does the second. Then the third week blues kick in and by week 4 that...

The 7 Keys to Martial Arts Speed
Regardless of your martial arts style or cannot apply it unless you can react quickly and respond instantly. Speed is critical for success in competition and self-defense. Razor-sharp reflexes are often the sole difference between...

The Aikido Biography of Sensei Henry Ellis
The Biography of Sensei Henry Ellis 5th dan Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman - 2000 Henry Ellis was born May 3rd 1936 in a tough coal mining town in the County of Yorkshire, North of England. This was pre-war Britain, and growing up as...

The Aikido Biography of Sensei Henry Ellis 5th dan
The Biography of Sensei Henry Ellis 5th dan Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman - 2000 Henry Ellis was born May 3rd 1936 in a tough coal mining town in the County of Yorkshire, North of England. This was pre-war Britain, and growing up as a child...

Youth Sports Goal Settings
New Year's day means different things to different people. Certainly, spending time with family and friends and watching some great college bowl games. In our house, a new year also means making resolutions. It started about 15 years ago when my...

Tatami flooring for Yoga, Martial Arts and Judo schools is expanding their partnership with all Yoga, Martial Arts, Judo, Karate, Aikido, Tae Kuan Do, and exercise schools. The partnership program will promote all Yoga and Martial Arts schools on its partner webpage. All instructors and studios’ background, website and contact information are introduced on their page .

This is a free marketing opportunity to promote your exercise school in a high traffic website and increase your yoga and martial arts instructor’s reputation. is also providing risk free interlocking floor mat sample for all yoga and exercise partner in the program. If any partner is interested to resell or promote the interlocking floor mat for their students, they can receive very aggressive resell pricing or rebate. All partners can increase extra income by introducing a

gorgeous interlocking floor mat to their students and earn it without extra effort.
See these existing partners in is a manufacturer-direct distributor and wholesaler for EVA form mats. Their interlocking puzzle mat products include tatami style mats and educational music puzzle mat. These products are widely using at home, yoga studios, fitness centers, martial arts, Judo, Karate, Aikido, Tae Kuan Do and exercise schools. With high quality EVA foam material and cutting edge technology, these interlocking puzzle mats provide a safe, comfortable, waterproof, anti-fatigue soft-tile for businesses and homes. Please visit for detail.

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